
“Where should I even start? Himval ma’am came into my life as a blessing when I was falling apart and having the worst time ever. She made sure that I was okay and helped me get through every single thing I was going through, even helped me with my career path. I have learnt so many new things and I’m glad I had my personal growth. I also have so much confidence in myself now. All thanks to Himval ma’am. She’s truly an angel for me!”

Khushnum Gazdar life coaching

“I was at my rock bottom when I approached Dr Himval Pandya for psychotherapy. I was deep down in depression and suicidal thoughts had taken over in my head. During such a dark period, Himval not only helped me fix a new outlook and meaning to life, but she also worked with me to amend every little thing that led to my depression. I am grateful to have found not only a great therapist but also a cushion to fall back to for all my life troubles.” Diagnosed with DEPRESSION

Anonymous To protect the patient’s identity

“A couple of years ago, I was trying really hard to achieve all my set goals but nothing was working out for me. Himval’s tender and yet encouraging approach towards the entire situation helped me move from that phase of my life. She enabled me to see my goals clearly, set my priorities, and achieve targets step by step. I recommend her for goal coaching session to any student or employee who is lost or wishes to accomplish more in life.”

Aakash Sharma life coaching for goal setting & achievements

“Dr Pandya guided me to a happier place emotionally, helping me fix my relationships. In all honesty, I was in an emotional rut because my relationships were not working out. It is with her that I learned what all I was lacking, and also what my emotional strengths were.”

Prerana Desai life coaching for relationships

“I finally decided to heal the years of grief that had piled up in my mind and heart. Himval was very patient, loving, and analytical. I am happy to be in a much better place. It is nice to see the world and live your life without the weight of everything that is constantly trying to pull you down.”

Prachi Patel life coaching for grief recovery

“Dr Himval Pandya has been a boon for my weight-loss journey. No diets, nutrition charts, or workout plans were actually working out for me until I realised the problem was rooted in me. Himval helped me change my mindset towards food & improved my eating habits. I am healthier and fitter now!”

Amee Shah life coaching for Weight loss & healthy lifestyle

“I was suffering from irritable bowel syndrome and it had become a defining problem of my life. I was unable to fix it through medications, fitness routine or healthy eating, so I decided to go for psychotherapy. I never realised that my bowel issue was related to my childhood experiences, trauma and emotional well-being. It took long and the journey was painful, but we fixed that.” Himval Pandya is a great psychotherapist and she understood all my problems easily. It feels like I have lived with fear of public shame because of IBS all my life. I consulted Himval for relieving me of this trouble. We are working on it together every day and I must mention that I have found incredible support, warmth, and affirmation from her.” Diagnosed with IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME (IBS)

Anonumous To protect the patient's identity